Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)
You may find below a list of answers to the most frequent questions about Airsoft and about our Airsoft Club. We hope that this list, together with the content of this site, cover all the queries on Airsoft. In case you have additional questions that you deem as necessary to include in this list, you may contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1. What is Airsoft?
Currently, there is no official definition of this term in the Hellenic Legal Framework. However, we make reference to the term as defined in documents of the European Union and the European Parliament.
Airsoft is a group, free time activity in the form of a game that is conducted in a designated and clearly marked space. It is played between two or more teams that are trying to achieve specific objectives, using airsoft guns of 6 mm caliber. These guns are completely harmless due to their muzzle velocity and the protective means that the players are obliged to wear.
2. What is the purpose of SANDMEN Airsoft Club?
The main scope of the club is the standardization and acknowledgement of Airsoft not only through our own actions but also inspiring other Airsoft players share our ideas. In addition, the establishment of an institutional body also allows the legal allocation of land and buildings for the purpose of conducting games and events without any legal impediment of ownership violation.
3. Are Airsoft guns real weapons?
Yes they are. Even if they are harmless for the players, they are considered as airguns as described in the Law 2168/1993 and its updates.
4. I am under 18 years old; can I join the club and play Airsoft games?
No! To participate in the airsoft games or to become a member of SANDMEN Airsoft club, you need to be at least 18 years old. There are no exceptions to this rule.
5. Can I take a copy of the Club regulation?
The regulatory documentation of the Club cannot be copied to anyone. However, the members have access to this documentation. Besides, the candidate members can read the documentation if they wish. It is noted that the regulatory documentation can be given as guidelines to other Airsoft teams that which to form a Club.
6. What is the process to follow for the membership?
If you are interested in becoming a member of SANDMEN Airsoft club, you can fill out the form that can be found in our webpage or to send an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., indicating your Name and Surname and a phone number to call you back.
Following that, we will call you to set up a meeting at our club so that you can fill out the form and provide us with the requested documents. The once and for all membership fee is 10 € and the annual membership fee is 20 €.
7. What is the documentation needed to become a member?
To become a member you need to fill out the following documents:
8. What are the FPS limits in the games organized by SANDMEN?
The max muzzle velocity that we accept is the following (in terms of FPS – Feet Per Second):
* In accordance with updated SANDMEN club regulations of December 5, 2015.
9. What is the cost for the participation in the SANDMEN games?
The cost of participation to a game depends on the type and the form of a game. In case there is a need for hiring a place for the game, then a participation fee will have to be paid.
10. I am already a member of another Airsoft Club. Can I be a member of SANDMEN Airsoft Club?
Yes of course. There is no such limitation
11. What are the benefits of the members?
The members can participate in various games for free and get discounts in various shops as indicated in the specific page of our website
12. I am a member of SANDMEN Airsoft Club. Can I organize a game under the auspices of the club?
Yes of course. However, the game shall abide by the SANDMEN club’s rules and regulations and consider all the necessary safety precautions.
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Where to find us: Platonos 24, Kallithea Wednesdays |
Τύποι παιχνιδιών αεροσφαίρισης
S.A.N.D.M.EN. Airsoft Club Platonos 24, PO. 17672 email: